My muscles ache, I'm bruised all over (amazing how carrying boxes can make bruises - oh, and the falling off the make-shift ladder too), and just plain tired. This is putting my in early-to-bed form.
One room is essentially done, though it will change as I decide to edit out some things.

This is the living room with our old furniture and the rug that has been in storage. The dogs and cats were so glad to see this rug they acted like it was an old friend. It's a kilm with a rough, scratchy texture that I think they really like.
The little windows above the shelves are high enough to avoid the view of houses on the street below, but still give a view of the hillside across the way. Good planning, huh? I haven't hung the clock or any paintings yet. Want Scottie to see and have a chance to put in his two cents worth on where things go.

And, the view out the bigger window gives a close up of one of the big old oaks we have. Love those trees.
We have swallows that visit every evening. I wonder if we built in a traditional flight path of theirs. . . . Ellie Cat sits in this window and almost drools.

Getting that room in shape meant putting everything in this room - the tiny den! It's so crowded anyway with Scottie's oversize desk, then I add boxes and art work and it's a mess. That's on my Monday night list. I had forgotten how much art we have, both mine and that of "real" artists. (Wonder if I'll ever think of myself as a real artist???) The two paintings you can see propped up to show a drop by visitor are mine. The small one on the left is a New Mexico scene of big rock bluffs. On the right is an old, decrepit car that was down the road from where we lived in New Mexico. Funny how I've brought parts of New Mexico with me.

And, you might wonder WHY I would put up a photo of bags of garbage in our driveway. . . . Well, this is a story unto itself!
At the little rental cabin we have the neighbor from hell. He and the landlady had a running battle of his creation for decades. They've been in court 3 or 4 times and he's lost every time. Consequently, he hates everyone who rents the cabin. The driveway to the cabin is over an easement on his land that pre-existed these two owners. He's done all he can to force them to give it up, block access, you name it. On our big moving day, he elected to park his van partially blocking the drive. We could get down it, but a big truck couldn't, and no one could use the circle drive. He's just a dream.
Well, we have the rental through end of the month. Scottie worked his butt off making it super clean, etc. When he was done he put these three bags of garbage (mostly paper towels etc., from cleaning) at the end of the cabin's portion of the drive, where the garbage has gone the whole time we've lived there, where it's supposed to go, where the garbage company does the pick-up, well, you get it.
So, Friday AM, Scottie is out and about on his part-time job and I'm outside trying to keep our front area from looking like a recent arrival from the hills of Tennessee, and I hear a voice yell, "here's your garbage, Garbage," (or maybe he said trash). I looked up and there are Richard and his handyman throwing these bags into the end of our driveway. In itself, the garbage is no big deal. Pick-up here is Monday, and the bags will go away then. The big deal is that Richard has gone to the trouble of finding out where we moved and is continuing his harassment here! He was horrible when we lived next door and kept escalating to the point of threatening. Like most bullies, when we quit being nice to him under the old flies/honey theory and starting pushing back, he quit. Guess he thought the rules changed when we moved. Problem is he's truly threatening at times, reputed to have quite an arsenal, kept a surveillance camera pointed at our parking area next door to him - spooky.
So, I've made a report with the local Sheriff. They took it quite seriously and suggested that his following us to our new home is a bad sign and that I should get a restraining order. That way, if he shows up here again they can charge him with violating a court order AND make a case for stalking! Lovely. So, I'll be traipsing off to the local court house Monday or Tuesday.
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