Scottie has built these great shelves in his building. Now he gets to start sorting and putting away. There are boxes upon boxes of outdoor gear, tools, hiking stuff, loading stuff, shooting stuff - I don't see any way it will all fit, but he's got a good start going.

The loading bench, made just for Scottie by our good pal Joe (who moved to Minnesota so we only have email with him now), is in the shed. It's to be covered with some sort of plywood top so it doesn't get damaged. The collage of photos was done for the big SIXTY surprise party. Wow, 8 1/2 years ago. Tempus Fugit.

So, I've constructed a tiny rock wall to mimic the neat one we had built and enclose the half of the front yard that wasn't enclosed.
I put in some blue fescue, a clumping type, and a mulch pathway to the front door. I'm hoping this may cut down on some of the constant dirt we track in. We also put more mulch in the kennel, door mats inside in front of every door - including the door door, and are wetting all this down regularly.

Transplanted my two lavender plants to the back side of the taller wall. I want to add some ornamental oregano there to spill over the wall and a few other aromatic plants. And, the old grinding stone is placed roughly where it will go as a fountain. I'll need to create a basin below, some sort of grate over that, and a few decorative rocks to raise the grind stone. I found an inexpensive (relatively) solar fountain that I think will work in this spot so we don't have to run power out to it. I'd say it's taking shape a bit!
And, we are both utterly exhausted! I'm done for the day, on my second neurontin already and just about to crawl in the tub. I won't tell how many tylenol PM's I took last night; let's just say more than one should take. But, it's not something I do often, and I did finally manage a few hours sleep after getting the throbbing pain under control. So, did I take it easy today as planned? Not really, but I did STOP early in the day, have been lying down reading, and I'm DONE. No more labor on this Memorial Day weekend. Really. Really.
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Will be back again. Wrote a long comment only to have it erased dur to lack of account. Such instructions and consequences need to be disclosed as the outset in order to make this user freindly.
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