Here's George after turning over keys to yours truly. There are still some small things to be taken care of, but we have a good, trusting relationship built up and no doubt all will be taken care of.

Our movers nearly bailed out on us mid-job. They loaded everything from our storage unit, but when they got to the little cabin and saw the horrendous access issues their first response was that they simply wouldn't do it! Great. I nearly cried.

But, we all took a step back and several deep breathes and decided to make it work. Steve, on the left, and Johnny, on the right, came back for day two with 2 extra guys for help, having unloaded the first batch on Saturday. They got us moved, but barely. We had them place only the biggest heaviest pieces, both to save some coin, and so they could get away in time to have some part of mothers' day free.
This lovely shot is in our living room/dining room. Cost of the move: $1000 - because of the access issues at the cabin! Not good.

But major thanks are in order that it did get done. Here they are, with Scottie of course, once all was over. Well, make that THEIR PART is over. Ours won't be for some time.

Morning one at the new house Buck decided to bolt and go visiting the neighborhood dogs. I think he found something like a leach field. This is how he came home. Yes, he had to be hosed off. At least we know he does come home. So this AM I let him have a romp before putting them in the kennel. Cocoa is completely freaked out by the dog door (even though they had one in New Mexico), so I'm guying her doggie tranks today. (For those who need it, check out petcomfortzone.com for a coupon. It's an aerosol & does work.)

This is the view from my makeshift desk, up our drive and looking at Eagle's Nest. Or maybe it's Eagle's Roost, I'll have to check. Cool breeze this AM, gorgeous views, peaceful sounds. Yep, it will all be worth it.
OH - the movers told us the cabin was totally infested with tiny, tiny spiders that have gotten into our furniture - so I bought a spray and am using it over and over and over. I am quite glad to be out of the cabin. It's in a beautiful and peaceful spot on the river, but between the access issues and the condition issues, it has been a very difficult year plus.
Stay tuned.
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