The living room is starting to take shape, but as you can see, there are still a lot of boxes to go. The old oil lamps are mostly from my Mom. The spittoon (brown pottery piece on the second left-hand shelf) was my grandfather's, and yes, he did really use it.
In the top right hand corner you can see my turned wooden bowl that I got from a Three Rivers artist.

Our room is very quiet and peaceful. These windows have a mostly westerly exposure and need to have curtains soon to cut down the afternoon heat. That's on next week's list.
Ellie Cat seems to be claiming this as her spot.
(FYI, dogs use the last name McArthur; cats don't recognize a pack so remain Lucy Cat and Ellie Cat. It's only logical.)
The new sofa sleeper in the den. Luckily our neighbor Bill just happened to be visiting his lot and was agreeable to being dr

Dogs are loving it. Cocoa, aka The Spook, still has issues with the dog door but is getting better. They also are on a 5:30 rise and shine schedule! In the cabin, where the bedroo

Buck, being Buck, is quite content. He's just an easier dog. Cocoa's inner puppy was definitely damaged by whatever happened to her before she came to live with us. Happily, Buck does return after all of his jaunts. Wasn't sure he would. Most folks in this area let their dogs roam. While we don't plan to do that unless we are here, it's nice to be able to let them have that freedom. The kennel is there for when it's needed.

He not being obsessive/compulsive, OK he is that, but not in this case. We had road base delivered to repair the Fed Ex damage and the water helps it to compact. Sorry for the quality of this photo. I took it through an upstairs window with a screen in it.
Yep, we are in and caught up in the process of unpacking, making this place a home, and finding the things that need to be fixed in the new house. Do they still call that a "punch list" in the construction industry???
While I remain very happy with this house over-all, I'm quite disappointed in some of the simply careless things we've found. The latest, and worst, is the plumber's return Tuesday to fix the hookup of the washer. While here he elected to re-check the other appliances, I'm sure so he wouldn't get called back again. Good idea, except he screwed the dishwasher into the cabinets more tightly - BUT not properly. Managed to affix the top drawer, with dishes in it, to the cabinet in a way it won't open and I'm afraid will have damage to the finish when they figure out how to free it!
I keep telling myself that I have confidence in George that all this stuff will be taken care of, but it's impossible not to be disappointed in things that are simply careless and/or stupid. Example: the little window in the shower of the master bath is the one place where the covering for the crank mechanism that opens and closes the windows is missing. Wouldn't you, if your business was miles and miles from the house, check that before you leave; and, wouldn't you be especially careful of that in a shower where moisture is obviously an issue??? I could go into a "what is the world coming to" rant, but I'd end up sounding my age. Can't have that.
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