OK, I admit they are a bit spoiled, but they give me such pleasure! And, with no grandkids nearby, I need someone to spoil.
So, today I went shopping with an agenda that included potting soil, etc., and thinking about getting material to make a duvet cover for our bedroom. Luckily I stumbled on a sale at Target and bought a whole set for our bed than for less than what I could make just the duvet cover for.
What you might ask has that to do with the dogs? Well, it did result in them getting new covers for their beddies. Scottie recently made frames for beds for them, mostly to keep them from getting the oil from their coats on our walls. Now the puppers beds nicely coordinate with the new people bed.

So, we have soft green for their beds, and ours has a mixture of greens, browns, beige and cream.

And, in case I never put this on the blog, the view from bathroom out into master bedroom and beyond. Green and beige just seem to belong here.

Then, just so you know that I do pay some small attention to the human animal, this handsome devil is Fred Lowe who fixed the latest of our water breaks. Fred is an absolute kick. He can. . . . drumroll please. . . . pick up a quarter with some humongous grabber bucket thingy that is supposed to be used to pick up rocks, etc. Yes, if he was a dog, I'd know the right terminology, but for the human animal I think "grabber bucket thingy" is technical enough! Anyway, nice job Fred. Good boy. Sit. Oh, wrong species.

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