We got a lot done yesterday on the outside of this place.
The bank in back, above the rock wall, is really too steep and has been washing as we try to water and get something growing. We now have burlap in place to help stabilize and have hopes of getting enough green stuff -even weeds would be OK - growing before rainy season hits.
It's been especially treacherous as you walk around the kennel which just may have been built too close to the edge.

Our driveway is holding very well. This photo give a view from the bottom, and for those who haven't yet been here, gives a pretty good idea of how steep it is. Thankfully we get no real snow at this elevation other than a sprinkle now and then.
The bank to the right of the driveway has to be planted with something that will both retain the soil (though that's pretty solid with clay and native d.g.) and be wildlife friendly. I'm thinking about a low growing sumac for fall color and use by the birds. There is a new hybrid out that is very pretty, only gets about 3 feet tall and has no nasty odor.

Another hummer shot. Hope you aren't sick of them 'cuz I love them. This isn't the most clear as it was taken from my upstairs studio window. The little guy to the far right is the Rufous. We don't seem to get more than one at a time, and the Ana's (which is the only full time resident of this area) certainly understands that they are migrants and want them to keep moving. Great battles erupt. (If you double click the photo, you get a full screen and can see the color of the Rufous.)

I did a bit of furniture moving and editing in the living room last week, but am just getting around to a photo. I decided that the chair needed to switch sides to make the room more spacious. That meant the plant had to move also; good for it to be closer to the door anyway. And, I edited a few more items out of the shelves for a cleaner look. Getting it closer to how I want.

This was part of yesterday's big project. When Bob Kellogg finished our rock wall, he dumped the excess rock in the void that will eventually get backfilled and have a parking structure on it. His idea was less fill dirt needed. I can't stand to see a good rock go to waste. So, I talked Scottie into helping me move rocks to create a spot to plant a Sycamore close enough to the house for good shade next year. Then I decided to move the remaining rocks in the pile for better stabilization. Not visible in this photo, but just down and to the right is the Sycamore we already planted. It suffered badly from the major heat wave that hit right after planting, but it's recovering nicely now. Two in proximity in that area (the SW corner of the house) should be a good heat reducer in the long run. The little green tree toward the end of the rocks is Ada, planted by Declan and Halle. She's doing well too.

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