And these are clean dogs. Well, Cocoa is clean. Buck is a pain in the but! He got bathed first, and by the time Cocoa was finished, Buck was filthy, way, way worse than before the bath! He'd been rolling in dirt the whole time. So, he got tied to a porch post, rinsed and rinsed and left there to dry. Apparently the Baby Buck did not appreciate that. When they came in, he waltzed past the Fiddle Leaf Fig (that's the cool plant behind the dogs) and casually grabbed the bottom leaf, putting big holes in it. I thought maybe it has brushed him in the face. . . . Wrong. He marched over to another plant, this one with long skinny leaves, grabbed one of those leaves and pulled it off, then turned and gave me "the look" as if reminding me that he does hold grudges. Not sure I'm forgiven yet since he's still avoiding looking at me. Who runs this place anyway?

And this is one of The Feet of Summer. Wouldn't that be a great book title? I guess these kind of feet belong to California Summers. I do tend to live in flip-flops whenever possible. I've learned that they aren't good footwear for watering plants on steep, clay banks. Leads to a header into the mud if you aren't careful.

And - all you computer wizards out there, I have a problem: When I try to send a word processor document, I can no longer do it successfully (used to work fine). If I send as an attachment, it can't be opened at the other end. If I copy and paste, Outlook Express shuts down. Any suggestions????
Finally a movie recommendation: Evening. This is absolutely one of the best movies I've ever seen. If Vanessa Redgrave does not win an Oscar for this movie, something is rotten in Hollywood. See it.
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