Sunday, April 26, 2009

Then and Now

I often think I'm just not getting enough done or I'm not getting things done quickly enough. But, when I look back at pictures from two years ago when we moved in, well, I have to admit a lot has been accomplished.

This is our back wall NOW, with grass below, though it's pretty rough grass, and a bank full of blooms.

And here it is shortly before we moved in.

Even I have to admit there's a big difference! That first summer, after moving in mid-May, was nothing but dust everywhere. It was impossible to get anything to grow on the newly bulldozed areas in heat over 100 and in the midst of drought. Not pretty.

Out front by the little wall is a small fountain, a Japanese maple, and lots of stuff planted above the wall.

The "before" was pretty dismal!

Although there is still more to do, the front has a pretty welcoming view now. The boulders we had brought in added some definition, and we actually have a tad of green grass.

At the beginning we had, well, dirt, gravel and rocks.

So, I have to remind myself: Great progress has been made. Truly. When I look around and see only what remains to do, I'm discounting all we've done.

Patience has never been among my virtues, but I'm working on cultivating same. Time to meditate. Maybe I'll have some patience with that.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time to cut back the grass and wildflowers

Each year, as Spring starts turning to Summer, we have to cut back the grass, etc. Beginning last year the County started to enforce a 100 foot requirement rather than the old 35'. So, 100 feet from any structure, has to be trimmed with all grass, weeds, wildflowers, etc., cut, brush removed, trees limbed up, etc. We are in a wildfire area, and with several years of drought having occurred here, much of California is a sitting duck for any kind of fire. So, even though I enjoy the look of the tall grasses even after they've turned brown, we follow the guidelines and cut it back.

Our lot is quite steep, and only a few areas can be done with the mower. Scottie's face pretty much tells the story - and it's not pretty!

Most areas have to be done with the weed eater. Think of doing over half an acre that way. Not fun. Today while Scottie is out on his long bike ride I plan to work on a couple of areas where I don't trust him not to decapitate things I've planted that are now barely visible amidst the tall grasses. Last year I did it all because he started the Summer season in Sequoia Park early. This year he's taken on much of the job.

I'm pushing for the idea of a bit of terracing and a small garden tractor with a three point hitch. I'm seeing a mower attachment, a tiller attachment, a blade, even an auger that could be used for planting trees in this hard clay. Yep. I'm putting that out to the Universe: Send us a reasonably priced small tractor and attachments. Think She's listening?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Big flower? Little flower? It's hard to tell with nothing else in the frame to compare. Each blossom is actually about the size of a half dollar.

And, how high is this grass, really? Being shot from the down side of a steep area, can you tell?

Does this help?

And, what on earth is this man so happy about? Click on the photo, and you'll find those are Easter eggs he's boasting.

What is Kevin doing? Smelling the steaks? Looking for dog hair maybe? Don't ask me!

What's going on here? Flour plus onions. . . . Actually Amanda is making pie crust. The onions are just waiting for another use. In the background Declan and Halle are coloring hard boiled eggs.

These two swingers have been taking turns, well sorta, in the hammock with the one not riding being assigned pushing duties.

So, would you say this was a wonderful spring break? Perception. . . .

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Waaaaaay too busy

Let's start with NOW and move backward.

I just finished putting the living room and dining room back together after a major cleaning. I need to invest in a carpet shampooer! After renting a big commercial unit, I've learned a lesson. Anyway, the big area rugs in both rooms have been cleaned on both sides, carried outside (heavy when even slightly wet) and hung over outdoor furniture to dry, and finally put back down without all the pet hair and ground in dirt that has taken up residence. This whole operation was a two day job that almost did me in. But, it set the stage for the spring spruce-up of changing out dark red accessories for pale turquoise. It's a much lighter look.

Last week I managed a couple of days of weed eating, just around the house and walkways. In some places the grass and wildflowers are almost as tall as me. Yes, I know, I'm not tall, but still. . . . Anyway, Buck looks pretty next to the big rock.

Cocoa was working her way along one of the dog trails before I started cutting things back. I've left much of it for when Scottie returns home this week.

And, prior to all this, I was in North Carolina. I got to visit my daughter and grandsons and take in FOUR track meets, two for each boy. This is Monica and Cyrus, the oldest and a freshman at UNC. His endeavor was actually two days at one meet, his first major meet as a college man.

And this is Tucker, aka The Brat. This is one of his favorite spots to observe all that goes on in his kingdom. Tuck pretty much runs things his way. The two German Shepherds mostly bend to his will, though Bella will trap him with a paw if he gets too rowdy. And his people have simply given up on any discipline of The Mighty Tuck.

This is Cy - in the dark uniform - in the finals of the 400 hurdles. He finished third - as a freshman and in a big meet - WOW. His coach thinks he is on track to make junior Olympics, so I need to start checking out the exact when and where of that. We'll be going.

In between track meets Evan dressed as a King of Biblical times for a movie being made by a friend of his. Evan went from a young boy last June to a major Dude as a high school freshman this year.

And this is Evan in one of his events - don't ask me which, he ran several - second from left. He finished second in this and tells Cy that he will knock off Cy's high school record. Boys.

This week Scottie gets home from 10 days at his father's rebuilding a fence; Amanda and kids arrive for Easter. Next week I need to get started on my prep for the Studio Tour of 2010. Yeah, I know, I have a year, but it takes a bunch of time. It's expanding from 2 days to 3. There is to be a show in Visalia in January, before the Tour in March, that will preview the various artists involved. I have several new ideas to try painting; I want to get pieces of recycled art ready; AND I have hopes of moving my studio into what is now a storage building. So, I need a year. Yep. Watch this spot for news - and check out the web at