Monday, May 28, 2007

Is this LABOR Day rather than MEMORIAL Day???

Does seem that all we've done is labor and labor some more!

Scottie has built these great shelves in his building. Now he gets to start sorting and putting away. There are boxes upon boxes of outdoor gear, tools, hiking stuff, loading stuff, shooting stuff - I don't see any way it will all fit, but he's got a good start going.

The loading bench, made just for Scottie by our good pal Joe (who moved to Minnesota so we only have email with him now), is in the shed. It's to be covered with some sort of plywood top so it doesn't get damaged. The collage of photos was done for the big SIXTY surprise party. Wow, 8 1/2 years ago. Tempus Fugit.

While Scottie worked on the shed, I played with rocks and dirt. Once a farmer. . . . I just can't resist getting my hands in the dirt.

So, I've constructed a tiny rock wall to mimic the neat one we had built and enclose the half of the front yard that wasn't enclosed.

I put in some blue fescue, a clumping type, and a mulch pathway to the front door. I'm hoping this may cut down on some of the constant dirt we track in. We also put more mulch in the kennel, door mats inside in front of every door - including the door door, and are wetting all this down regularly.

Not really visible in all this are the rock steps to the right of the wall in this photo. I will plant some sort of ground cover around them, maybe a thyme so it will smell good when it's stepped on.

Transplanted my two lavender plants to the back side of the taller wall. I want to add some ornamental oregano there to spill over the wall and a few other aromatic plants. And, the old grinding stone is placed roughly where it will go as a fountain. I'll need to create a basin below, some sort of grate over that, and a few decorative rocks to raise the grind stone. I found an inexpensive (relatively) solar fountain that I think will work in this spot so we don't have to run power out to it. I'd say it's taking shape a bit!

And, we are both utterly exhausted! I'm done for the day, on my second neurontin already and just about to crawl in the tub. I won't tell how many tylenol PM's I took last night; let's just say more than one should take. But, it's not something I do often, and I did finally manage a few hours sleep after getting the throbbing pain under control. So, did I take it easy today as planned? Not really, but I did STOP early in the day, have been lying down reading, and I'm DONE. No more labor on this Memorial Day weekend. Really. Really.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Old Stuff and New Friends

Lots of photos and not much verbiage this time so I've reverted to the "small" photos. If you want a close up, you can click on the photo.

This is the old transit and old crock. The fern that is sitting on the crock will be hanging from the transit soon.

And this view has lots of good stuff. The clock Monica gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago; love it! The old clock that was my grandparents. And, the little pitcher which is the only piece of pottery we have from the days my husband was throwing pots. Wish he'd still do it 'cuz he's very talented.

Here we have a tribute to both our families. My grandfather made the little rocker and high chair. Scottie's grandmother had the blond raggedy Anne and Andy made for he and his sister, two little blonds. Oh, and my pretty Lucy Cat.

Here is a good view of my mother's (and earlier my grandmother's) pie cabinet. It is now topped by a painting Scottie has had for some time along with another plant.

(Hey brother Bill: remember when you drove to Peoria and helped me moved and there was a complete pick-up load of plants???)

Here is the new fiddle-leaf fig. The crock it sits in is one of my few antique purchases - most are old family pieces. In the background, to the right of the window, you can get a semi-view of my favorite of my own paintings. Most of my stuff disappoints me.

Another new plant and a good view of the new table and old chairs. Works well.

And, our first dinner guests - Rose and Bill Murphy, who will at some point become our full-time neighbors. Right now, they "visit" their land and camp out when they can. It's very cool to discover we will have neighbors with whom we share a lot of interests, pet peeves, even political views. Good news!

And, a final note: I've managed to throw myself into a FFF - that would be F---ing Fibromyalgia Flare. My first really bad one for some time. Mucho pain, swelling, brain dead, etc., etc. Guess we could say I've been overdoing it big time.

So, I'll be taking it easy tomorrow. Remind me of that, huh???

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bouncing Bubbles, Shimmering Shadows, and Hibernating Husband

Moving is hard work!

Backs and muscles in their 60's seem to feel it way more than they did in their 30's.

Even though I don't have the extra crystals added yet, I wanted to get a couple of shots of the tub and light in the blog.

Ignore the fact that the windows aren't cleaned yet, either, please. This view is to the East/Southeast. There are no houses in that line of sight, so I can feel free to sit in the big old tub naked as a jaybird and soak. (Ever wonder why the phrase is naked as a JAYBIRD? Are they only birds that run around naked?)

Check out all the bubbles. I keep forgetting to buy bubble bath, so it's shampoo. Smells good. Candles in both windows too. The other window faces the 90 degree direction; can't be seen in the photos.

Mom's old pie cabinet looks great doesn't it? And Ruth's old tub. Yep, this is my sentimental corner.

It's also my private corner. I close the door, and dogs, cats and husband all manage to give me a few minutes to myself. Actually, cats do scratch at the door, but I ignore that.

Lounging in the tub (which is nice and deep, unlike modern tubs) this is the view looking up.

The chandelier is a cream color and the ceiling a lighter cream, almost white. I love how the shadows play on the ceiling. It's a bit exaggerated from the flash, but this is the general look. Very calming.

So, you might wonder, while I'm having all this peace and tranquility, what might Scottie be doing?

He would tell you he was watching TV, but we know better. Snoozing. Definitely. And, if it were a closer shot you just might see a bit of drool dropping down to the T-shirt.

Like I said, moving is hard work.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

He's baaaaack!

Scottie that is. Been at his Dad's in San Diego for a few days doing some painting. Now I get help on the remaining unpacking, etc.

This is our new dining room table surrounded by 8 antique chairs I found - 2 sets of 4. I'm going to stain and recover seats. The old transit in the corner was my grandfather's - bought to settle an argument over a fence line - and I have the top piece for it. It will have a plant hanging. Beneath it is a blue and white crockery piece that my grandmother on the other side used to make pickles in.

I'm thrilled, thrilled, thrilled with the table. I found a fabulous guy via the internet and ordered the table. He's in New York; we're in California. He made the table, which is 8' and has two extensions of 22" each that will add to the ends to make a BIG table for a crowd. It's real wood, not crummy veneers, beautifully made and finished, signed and numbered.

So, when you open the front door (the red to the left), you see the table, then the living room. I'm hoping it won't always have a cat on it, but you never know in this house.

In case you are interested, you can email I simply can't recommend him highly enough!

Our bedroom is being kept very simply and quiet. This old armoire came with us from New Mexico. Scottie has to drill a hole for the cables as this is where the TV hides. Two matching feather beds for the dogs, one on each side.

Our shower has a window looking out to oak trees. Guest bath got one too, so no one gets cheated.

The vessel sinks worked out well, and the medicine cabinets above them reflect the windows. I've never understood why bathroom vanities are low, causing people to have to bend over to brush teeth, shave, etc. So, ours are high despite me being short. Feels a bit funny at first, but I still like the idea. No more toothpaste spattered everywhere. No more husband's whiskers all over.

I still need to add a few crystals from Yvonne's old fixture to the new one above the tub. Photo of that later.

Oh - under the left front of the vanity cabinet is a view of one of the "vacpans" for the central vacuum system. We have one in the kitchen and one in the master bath. You just open the outlet, sweep stuff toward it, and poof - it disappears into the bowels of the vacuum. Love it!

Oh, and this is the old pie cabinet. Lookin' good!

Monday, May 21, 2007

It's all about the kitchen

Look carefully now. I've been very busy editing down my various collections. You'll see numerous cutting boards, rolling pens, bird houses, yellow-ware, pottery, and a few lemons.

This pig on the left is a true antique; I think Shaker in origin. It's the culprit behind my obsession with cutting boards. Several others are old, and too many are of my own design.

That's from my stage of being Chief Product Designer. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

The rolling pens - well, I just like them. And, no, I've never used one on Scott!

The bird houses were a short-term obsession. Got one or two as gifts and started making and painting them. I just can't seem to help myself.

And the lemons? (Look in the dark cupboard.) Well, those belonged to my wonderful mother-in-law. Her obsession I guess. Most are still with my father-in-law, but I've managed to talk him out of a couple.

Much of the pottery was made by my brother-in-law, Don. There are a couple of old pieces, too; but most of the old ones are in a different room.

Scottie would say too many cutting boards and too many rolling pens. I'd say too few lemons!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

We're Talkin' TIRED

This is such a job!

My muscles ache, I'm bruised all over (amazing how carrying boxes can make bruises - oh, and the falling off the make-shift ladder too), and just plain tired. This is putting my in early-to-bed form.

One room is essentially done, though it will change as I decide to edit out some things.

This is the living room with our old furniture and the rug that has been in storage. The dogs and cats were so glad to see this rug they acted like it was an old friend. It's a kilm with a rough, scratchy texture that I think they really like.

The little windows above the shelves are high enough to avoid the view of houses on the street below, but still give a view of the hillside across the way. Good planning, huh? I haven't hung the clock or any paintings yet. Want Scottie to see and have a chance to put in his two cents worth on where things go.

And, the view out the bigger window gives a close up of one of the big old oaks we have. Love those trees.

We have swallows that visit every evening. I wonder if we built in a traditional flight path of theirs. . . . Ellie Cat sits in this window and almost drools.

Getting that room in shape meant putting everything in this room - the tiny den! It's so crowded anyway with Scottie's oversize desk, then I add boxes and art work and it's a mess. That's on my Monday night list. I had forgotten how much art we have, both mine and that of "real" artists. (Wonder if I'll ever think of myself as a real artist???) The two paintings you can see propped up to show a drop by visitor are mine. The small one on the left is a New Mexico scene of big rock bluffs. On the right is an old, decrepit car that was down the road from where we lived in New Mexico. Funny how I've brought parts of New Mexico with me.

And, you might wonder WHY I would put up a photo of bags of garbage in our driveway. . . . Well, this is a story unto itself!

At the little rental cabin we have the neighbor from hell. He and the landlady had a running battle of his creation for decades. They've been in court 3 or 4 times and he's lost every time. Consequently, he hates everyone who rents the cabin. The driveway to the cabin is over an easement on his land that pre-existed these two owners. He's done all he can to force them to give it up, block access, you name it. On our big moving day, he elected to park his van partially blocking the drive. We could get down it, but a big truck couldn't, and no one could use the circle drive. He's just a dream.

Well, we have the rental through end of the month. Scottie worked his butt off making it super clean, etc. When he was done he put these three bags of garbage (mostly paper towels etc., from cleaning) at the end of the cabin's portion of the drive, where the garbage has gone the whole time we've lived there, where it's supposed to go, where the garbage company does the pick-up, well, you get it.

So, Friday AM, Scottie is out and about on his part-time job and I'm outside trying to keep our front area from looking like a recent arrival from the hills of Tennessee, and I hear a voice yell, "here's your garbage, Garbage," (or maybe he said trash). I looked up and there are Richard and his handyman throwing these bags into the end of our driveway. In itself, the garbage is no big deal. Pick-up here is Monday, and the bags will go away then. The big deal is that Richard has gone to the trouble of finding out where we moved and is continuing his harassment here! He was horrible when we lived next door and kept escalating to the point of threatening. Like most bullies, when we quit being nice to him under the old flies/honey theory and starting pushing back, he quit. Guess he thought the rules changed when we moved. Problem is he's truly threatening at times, reputed to have quite an arsenal, kept a surveillance camera pointed at our parking area next door to him - spooky.

So, I've made a report with the local Sheriff. They took it quite seriously and suggested that his following us to our new home is a bad sign and that I should get a restraining order. That way, if he shows up here again they can charge him with violating a court order AND make a case for stalking! Lovely. So, I'll be traipsing off to the local court house Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Keepin' on keepin' on

What a job!

The living room is starting to take shape, but as you can see, there are still a lot of boxes to go. The old oil lamps are mostly from my Mom. The spittoon (brown pottery piece on the second left-hand shelf) was my grandfather's, and yes, he did really use it.

In the top right hand corner you can see my turned wooden bowl that I got from a Three Rivers artist.

Our room is very quiet and peaceful. These windows have a mostly westerly exposure and need to have curtains soon to cut down the afternoon heat. That's on next week's list.

Ellie Cat seems to be claiming this as her spot.

(FYI, dogs use the last name McArthur; cats don't recognize a pack so remain Lucy Cat and Ellie Cat. It's only logical.)

The new sofa sleeper in the den. Luckily our neighbor Bill just happened to be visiting his lot and was agreeable to being dragged into the "favor" of helping Scottie unload it. It's been years, no decades, since I've owned one of these, and they are still just as heavy! We did want to have something for ground floor sleeping space, but won't be able to open it while it's sharing space with Scottie's BIG desk in the den. Hopefully it won't take too long to get his office done. Just need power and phone to that building.

Dogs are loving it. Cocoa, aka The Spook, still has issues with the dog door but is getting better. They also are on a 5:30 rise and shine schedule! In the cabin, where the bedroom got no AM sun and the place as a whole was dark, they'd sleep in. Not here. At least not yet. Cocoa won't go downstairs until we are both up.

Buck, being Buck, is quite content. He's just an easier dog. Cocoa's inner puppy was definitely damaged by whatever happened to her before she came to live with us. Happily, Buck does return after all of his jaunts. Wasn't sure he would. Most folks in this area let their dogs roam. While we don't plan to do that unless we are here, it's nice to be able to let them have that freedom. The kennel is there for when it's needed.

And Scottie? Well, along with cleaning the cabin and trying to get all the spiders out - OK, kill them - he's watering the driveway.

He not being obsessive/compulsive, OK he is that, but not in this case. We had road base delivered to repair the Fed Ex damage and the water helps it to compact. Sorry for the quality of this photo. I took it through an upstairs window with a screen in it.

Yep, we are in and caught up in the process of unpacking, making this place a home, and finding the things that need to be fixed in the new house. Do they still call that a "punch list" in the construction industry???

While I remain very happy with this house over-all, I'm quite disappointed in some of the simply careless things we've found. The latest, and worst, is the plumber's return Tuesday to fix the hookup of the washer. While here he elected to re-check the other appliances, I'm sure so he wouldn't get called back again. Good idea, except he screwed the dishwasher into the cabinets more tightly - BUT not properly. Managed to affix the top drawer, with dishes in it, to the cabinet in a way it won't open and I'm afraid will have damage to the finish when they figure out how to free it!

I keep telling myself that I have confidence in George that all this stuff will be taken care of, but it's impossible not to be disappointed in things that are simply careless and/or stupid. Example: the little window in the shower of the master bath is the one place where the covering for the crank mechanism that opens and closes the windows is missing. Wouldn't you, if your business was miles and miles from the house, check that before you leave; and, wouldn't you be especially careful of that in a shower where moisture is obviously an issue??? I could go into a "what is the world coming to" rant, but I'd end up sounding my age. Can't have that.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The move from - that really hot place!

What a few days we've had! And, it ain't over yet.

Here's George after turning over keys to yours truly. There are still some small things to be taken care of, but we have a good, trusting relationship built up and no doubt all will be taken care of.

Buck, ever the helpful soul, could tell how hard I was working packing up an decided to pitch right in.

Our movers nearly bailed out on us mid-job. They loaded everything from our storage unit, but when they got to the little cabin and saw the horrendous access issues their first response was that they simply wouldn't do it! Great. I nearly cried.

But, we all took a step back and several deep breathes and decided to make it work. Steve, on the left, and Johnny, on the right, came back for day two with 2 extra guys for help, having unloaded the first batch on Saturday. They got us moved, but barely. We had them place only the biggest heaviest pieces, both to save some coin, and so they could get away in time to have some part of mothers' day free.

This lovely shot is in our living room/dining room. Cost of the move: $1000 - because of the access issues at the cabin! Not good.

But major thanks are in order that it did get done. Here they are, with Scottie of course, once all was over. Well, make that THEIR PART is over. Ours won't be for some time.

Morning one at the new house Buck decided to bolt and go visiting the neighborhood dogs. I think he found something like a leach field. This is how he came home. Yes, he had to be hosed off. At least we know he does come home. So this AM I let him have a romp before putting them in the kennel. Cocoa is completely freaked out by the dog door (even though they had one in New Mexico), so I'm guying her doggie tranks today. (For those who need it, check out for a coupon. It's an aerosol & does work.)

This is the view from my makeshift desk, up our drive and looking at Eagle's Nest. Or maybe it's Eagle's Roost, I'll have to check. Cool breeze this AM, gorgeous views, peaceful sounds. Yep, it will all be worth it.

OH - the movers told us the cabin was totally infested with tiny, tiny spiders that have gotten into our furniture - so I bought a spray and am using it over and over and over. I am quite glad to be out of the cabin. It's in a beautiful and peaceful spot on the river, but between the access issues and the condition issues, it has been a very difficult year plus.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fun & Games with Fed Ex

Ahhh, there's some old saying about the best laid plans. . . .

Mine were to spend an our or two at the new house this AM, come back to the cabin and pack, go back to the new house for a hopefully short time to meet Fed Ex for delivery of our new table.

Not quite what happened. For reasons that will become clear I couldn't get away from the house this AM. Then, Fed Ex had a window of 1 to 5 PM, so I waited, and cleaned, and waited and cleaned. . . .

When the FE truck finally got there, and unloaded, the next thing to happen was that the driver, Larry, got stuck. Of course, the fact that he had a tough time backing down the driveway should have been a clue.

And, he didn't have sense enough despite saying he's been driving for them for 28 years to QUIT when he started spinning and digging into the driveway.

Fed Ex wouldn't take a chance on an unknown tow service, so they called someone from Fresno to come down, an hour and a half.

I was still being quite nice to Larry, understanding, etc., until he kept whining and whining and whining about how he shouldn't have agreed to come down the driveway at all, it's his discretion, etc., etc., etc. , and including how late he was not going to be getting home. (Be advised that I had not talked him into driving down and he hadn't suggested that maybe he shouldn't.) I finally said, in one of those sugary sweet tones, "Gee, Larry, if it will help I'll see what I can do. My daughter (who had called while all this was going on) suggested that I just drive it out for you." (And, yes, she really had made that suggestion; not that I necessarily could have.) Poor Larry's male truck drivin' ego was shattered. He told me I really knew how to hurt a guy, but he did finally shutteth up about how bad he had it. I didn't get home until after 7 PM, and NO packing got done. And, I'll be calling Fed Ex tomorrow for some conversation about repairing the driveway.

On to other things: Scottie and Rene, finishing off the gate to the kennel. Dogs tried it out today and like it fine. We put up the portable shade thingy for them, and they seem pleased.

Then we have Sergio installing the dish for our Wild Blue satellite internet connection. Think it's going to be just fine.

Sergio has been doing this for 10 years, since the days of the BIG satellite TV dishes. He looks about 22, but that can't be right.

Pat and Barrett doing the final on the installation of our vacuum system. It works great and I love it!

P & B are a father and son team. Barrett still lives at home so spends pretty much 24-7 with his dad. I asked if they fight and he said hardly ever. Nice guys too, both of them.

Mike the plumber did us a little extra favor and
hooked up a couple of appliances for us while he was there.

Mike is a kick! He's wiry to the point of thin, smokes like a smokestack, wears his hair in a braid, and is just a super-nice guy.

He tells me he's been subbing for George longer than anyone and claims it's because George "runs 'em off."

This is Erin, who works with Mike. That tiny little spot where his arm is. . . he had the top half of his body in there! He did some tweaking of the drains for the sinks in very tight quarters.

And, we had George there along with Neil, one of the finish carpenters, and two guys from the glass company (I missed their names) with mirrors and glass doors. Everyone had questions. And THAT is why I ended up there all morning.

Then, the inspector paid us his final visit. Yes, we have an occupancy permit! Darned good thing since we have a mover scheduled for Saturday. Tomorrow, Friday, Jimmy the painter is back to fix all the dings and gouges and scratches. George will be there too. We are almost IN.