The murderer had positioned himself on top of a power pole and kept up his shrill keee, keee, keee even as I walked closer and closer. Reason? He was calling in his mate! I suppose the two had a dinner date.
Anyway, these are Red Shoulder Hawks, supposed to feed on small mammals like mice and voles, who have taken to grabbing a bird here and there. Not nice!
So, the mate showed up:
They got tired of my photo adventure and flew to an oak tree that sits below our house:
Scottie brought out the spotting scope and we were able to get a much better view of the one who hung around. I decided to experiment with taking photos by putting my little camera up to the eye piece of the scope:
This was an interesting experiment! It's hard to know, well it's impossible to know, what you are going to get. A light touch to the scope causes it to move and you end up with half a bird. You can't see through the camera what you are going to get and "point and shoot" takes on new meaning. And, without shielding the light somehow, you get strange effects:
As soon as my book sells I'm going to be my own fairy godmother and buy a really good digital camera with different lenses. My little Nikon, while I love it, can't get the shots I often want.
I have to send this on to Doc Hannan for any comments on bird-taking Red Shoulders. Watch this space for his reply.
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