Sunday, December 07, 2008


It was touch and go for a couple of days, but I made it. Over a week without solid food and surviving on a mixture of water, cayenne pepper, fresh lemon juice and maple syrup does strange things to one's system. The best part is what it's done for my skin. But, I'm really glad it's over and glad to find I'm not at all craving junk food!

This is my succulent wreath grown in and with a bow added to make it a Christmas wreath. Worked out pretty well.

After several days of clouds and fog we got a sunny and warm afternoon. Both dogs decided to sun bathe. This is not their usual outdoor guard duty when they station themselves in different spots and watch over us. Rarely do they lie down together, especially outside, but this is where the sunshine was. Funny dogs.

December weather like this with days in the mid-60's and nights in either the upper 30's or low to mid-40's are what brought me from the mid-west to California in the first place. We'll get our cold weather in January and February, usually with rain, but very infrequently snow. Go up just a few hundred feet in elevation though and you'll find lots of snow. I'm hoping for a chance to go snowshoeing this winter.

It's beginning to look a lot like. . . well, you know.

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