Well, I took the bus fromVisalia to San Diego on Monday so I could spend some time with my father-in-law and give him his shots of blood thinner for a few days. He's doing great! Then Scottie drove down Friday so we could celebrate his 70th birthday. A photo montage:
Dougie, my uncle-in-law and Hughie's baby brother. I think he's about 92 or so. Not sure. He's had some health issues but still loves a party!
Cousin Bruce, Dougie's youngest son. Bruce drives a race car for fun when he's not doing some sort of stupefyingly brilliant stuff for work, and he took me for a ride - in the dark - in the city - FAST. I managed to return with dry pants, but barely.
Bobby, the son-out-law and Foxy, the grand-pup. Both kinda cute!
The birthday boy - in no way does he look SEVENTY! Oh, and that would be me with him.
Grandpa Hughie, all 97 years and going strong and Jimmy B, Scottie's oldest and dearest friend. Two of my favorite men!
And the boys. . . I wonder how many photos of these two together have been taken over all the decades since the met as third or fourth graders. Want to start an argument? Ask who ate the last hot dog on the eons ago camping trip. Each still blames the other.
Sara, youngest daughter and fourth-generation San Diegan, presents the icecream cake. It's a tradition.
Yep, I think he had fun!
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