I have to give this man of mine credit: he's got the roofing thing down! OK, he's not fast; but it looks good.
But, yesterday, the kitchen faucet sprung a leak. We've got stuff pulled out from under the sink and all over the kitchen and water to the faucet turned off. Luckily, I guess, I'd kept everything from the house building, even the installation instructions from everything. So, Scottie goes through the faucet install stuff and figures out that this type of faucet, when it leaks, all you do is remove part A and tighten ring X. Simple, huh? Wrong-O! After removing part A, he discovered that ring X ain't there. Either the faucet shipped w/o it, or the plumber who did the install lost it. So. . . .
Mr. Amateur Plumber pulled his head out from under the sink and picked up a different tool - the phone - to call a professional. We're waiting on him.
And I'm in dire need of The Dog Whisperer to deal with a major jealousy issue. After Scottie gets up and feeds dogs, then hits the internet, the dogs come back up for an after breakfast nap with me - I'm still sleeping. First Cocoa appears and asks permission to come up on the bed. Fine. Then Buck comes up and Cocoa starts growling and barking at him, not wanting to share. This time I simply got crowded out since, after several minutes of her behaving like a major Bitch (and not as in "female dog") he wouldn't lie down by her. That pillow his head is on - MINE. That nice quilt covering him - MINE. And me? I'm downstairs making a latte.
I head out Monday by BUS for San Diego to spend a few days with my favorite father-in-law (FIL for short) who has blood clots and needs coumadin shots for a while. Scottie will finish up stuff here, board the dogs and drive down Friday. Meanwhile Lucy Cat is stuffy and sneezing. She has a history of colds, and I'm hoping that Scottie doesn't have to add taking her to the vet to his list.
Then, after what cannot remotely be called a restful time since he's been home, he will have a 5+ hour drive, we'll do a scaled-back birthday celebration for him (SEVENTY), and we'll drive back Sunday. Whoever said retirement is easy is full of - - well, the smelly stuff.
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