Seems that much of this week, I've been the bug. My little part time job has been difficult - something it just normally is NOT. Relationships have been tested to say the least.
Weather has been up and down, which always means my allergies go haywire.
And, just to add to the fun, my fibromyalgia has gone into a major flare, no, not just a flare, really a major flare. Seems that stress sets it off much, much more than anything physical does. So, it's been pain city for me.
Scottie got back from San Diego, and I have been pretty much a slug. We did manage to get to a movie today - The Bucket List. How can any movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman be anything other than good? It was. But, I have yet to cook a meal since he got home. Tomorrow. I've promised.
As always, my critters are a comfort. Check this out:
Of course I know that many people would find this anything but comforting. I was relaxing on the day bed in my studio, checking movie listings on the laptop, when Lucy Cat decided to join me. She's the one who always knows when I feel really awful. Then Cocoa joined us. Time was that it was totally impossible to have Lucy and Cocoa this close. Now they even touch noses! Then Buck felt left out and invited himself up. Fortunately I'd already found out when and where the movie was - love - before they all decided to "help" me.
Tomorrow I cook. And I do laundry. Doubt if I clean though.
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