Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Question of the Week: How much worse can I feel?

FF definitely has the upper hand right now and I'm not likin' it. I tried napping on the day bed today with Buck and Cocoa, but I barely got us all 3 settled when the phone rang. Gave it up.

So, seen any nice pregnant onions lately?

I got this little lady a year or so ago at the native plant society, but I'm pretty sure it isn't a native. Actually, I don't know what it's really called - just a pregnant onion, so called for the little "babies" she produces off her main bulb. Once the babies get a little bigger they can be separated from the main bulb and planted to start a new plant. Cool, huh?

And we have some of my epiphytes planted in river rock in an old, old dough bowl I bought in New Mexico. They live next to an orchid, also an epiphyte.

There are a couple more orchids hanging out in the downstairs bath awaiting their next bloom time.

Like those epiphytes.

You see, the deal is that I try to distract myself wen I feel this bad. Dogs, cats, plants. I even tried reading some more of the History of the World, but I can't really concentrate today. Guess it's hot bath time. Some times that helps. Not often.

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