Good friends Yvonne and Shari visited from Illinois and we've been playing, and eating, and laughing, and eating, and more eating. . . .
I TRIED to be really careful and drive slowly on the curvy roads, but Shari still got sick our first touring day out. We managed to stop to look at a tarantula, take photos of twisty manzanita trees, and pick a few buckeye pods.
We had misty weather and low clouds so we skipped the climbing of Moro Rock. I'm not sure, but I think I heard big sighs of relief when that decision was announced. Flatlanders have a tough time with the hills around here.
The trees were absolutely gorgeous and the mosses and lichen have come to life with the wet weather so I had to sneak in a couple of artsy-fartsy photos.
Let's see, we managed to visit down-town Visalia and my favorite Mexican restaurant there, and my favorite Mexican restaurant in Three Rivers, and a fabulous dinner at the Gateway, and a dinner party for friends at our house. Yep, we ate too much.
We had our obligatory good-bye photo. . .
And one with THE MAN (who, by the way, was a totally charming host while the girls were here).
WHY does he always take a better photo than anyone else???
Next guests are the end of the month for Scottie's birthday (watch this blog for his special birthday fund-raiser) and then the first of December for friends. Get your reservations in - space fills up quickly.
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