Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not a Fun Day

Back to my doctor today for lab results.

The good news: negative for Valley Fever which had been seeming a strong possibility.

The bad news: Cholesterol is ridiculously high, especially for a life-long vegetarian. Given that I'm already on meds, that's not good. Need to make some diet and exercise changes and add some herbal stuff. This seems to be a major hereditary thing in my family and I can only hope to achieve some control.

And - low thyroid; low enough that I start on meds tomorrow. That could well be yet another lifetime med. I'm hoping that getting this back in line will add to my energy level and help me take off the weight I've put on.

And - high blood sugar. No meds, but diet and blood testing and see what happens.

Add that to the existing crap, and I'm not a happy camper. Will it be OK? Sure. Is it a big deal in the grander scheme of things? Of course not. But, I'm claiming the right to be po'd about it today. Tomorrow I'll move on.

So, given my personal rule of not ending on a bad note. . . . Scottie took Cocoa with him yesterday while he worked on the water system down at the old cabin. She absolutely loved it! Came home with that happy dog face. And Buck, ever the slug, was quite happy to veg out with me. Scottie used to always take Mousse with him, but after Mousse died he hasn't been able to get his head, more likely his heart, around taking a dog along. Good for him and good for Cocoa!

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