Tuesday, September 04, 2007


All the critters got brushed with the Furminator yesterday.

Buck's always a treat to do 'cuz his hair is coarse. I thought I'd gotten quite a bit of fluff of both Buck and Cocoa, but then I got to Lucy Cat:

We sat at the bottom of the steps, just Lucy and me. For those who remember Lucy's early days, it's now possible to brush this girl without wrapping her paws and claws in a towel to protect life and limb.

I brushed and brushed, and the fur kept coming.

I've been calling my girl Lucy-Lu-Fat-Cat, but I think the fat is just her thick, thick fur.

Since she has an amazing undercoat it's all soft and fluffy. Pretty if one is thinking of a sweater; not so much when you try to keep it corralled. This fluff floats through the air, sticks to walls and clothes, and generally is a major pain.

Once again, I recommend the Furminator to anyone with pets, especially long haired pets.

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