Scottie and I spent SEVEN HOURS putting together the island for the kitchen that I elected to order online.
Yes, you read that right, SEVEN hours. Miracle of miracles, I didn't end up in tears and Scottie only swore a few times.
Ya see, I showed the print out of this island to the cabinet maker and ask if he could do a similar one. He said sure - for about double the price.
And, yes, I did know that "some assembly" was required. I misinterpreted that to mean maybe put the top on and add the casters.

I'm trying to put a happy face on it.
But, any way you cut it, it was a long, hard day.

And, this is our good friend Syliva, who finally got up to the new house. She is NOT that much taller than me. I'm standing in a hole and Sylvia's on a hump. Really.

And - just for Nola, who also visited the house, though I didn't have my camera then. Nola was quite taken with the beautiful views we have and suggested that I might want to put more of those views on the blog.

Painting is almost done, except for some late in the game touch-up, but I'm waiting until the place is cleaned up to get photos of the painted rooms.
And, I'll be early-to-bed tonight!
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