Thursday, April 26, 2007

A brief Mid-week Update

Busy, busy day up on Hammond Drive yesterday!

Tony was there grouting. He also took out one kitchen tile and re-set it, having spotted a slight degree of out-of-level in it. Tony is an artist in his work and very particular.

It's interesting for me to watch the different tradespeople. OK, tradesmen as they've all been guys. The finish guys are much more particular than the guys who do the various "rough in" stages. You can see why each has gravitated where they have with patience and attention to detail playing a big part.

Nice smile, Tony.

And this is what the new sink and faucet set up in the master bath looks like.

Sinks got set yesterday and the holes drilled for faucets which will be placed by the plumber when he comes back up.

Also among the many trucks up there yesterday was the one bringing this handsome crew. These guys spent the entire day doing very detailed taping off and covering up in preparation for the color coat of stucco going on today.

Wood for the floors got delivered to start acclimating. Power gets hooked up today. Appliances will come in either Friday or Monday. Plumber will do the setting of fixtures. Finish electrical happens Monday. There is a week's work for installing all the wood floors, and it can't start for 2 or 3 days after the heat/power is on, so we are looking probably at Mid-May to move in!!!!

Oh, did I mention I haven't even started packing at our little rental. . . . Volunteers??? At least this time we are moving within the same little area. The two big moves, San Diego to New Mexico, and New Mexico to here, where major deals with no chance to go back to pick up small items, clean after leaving, etc. Here we can pay rent until the end of May and come back and pick up odds and ends and do the cleaning after we are basically IN the new place.

And, just as an aside for my female friends, one of the fun parts of this has been all the cute, young guys working on the house. I'm so much older than them that I can flirt outrageously and not be taken seriously. Love it. I told the guys above to "look handsome" and that I'd put them on the internet for female viewers. They loved it. We've had really good people on the job with only one or two exceptions, and it's been great fun talking to them. I really enjoy young people and people of any age who are really INTO what they do.

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