It's looking like a house! And, I'm seeing the vision of our architect, Gary Cort, more and more as this develops. For instance, the roof of the porch and the dividing line between stucco and Hardieboard are raised to the bottom of the upstairs windows. Gary's idea with this was to break up the height and give some interest to a rather square, boxy design. Ditto the raised window above the kitchen sink, visible on the front porch. Rather than keep it at the same height at the top as the other windows and make the window smaller, he kept the window size the same and raised the height to accommodate the sink. Guess that's why we paid him the big bucks.

Now that the house is closed in the various rooms have taken on more of their real character. This view is of the fireplace wall in the living room. Beneath the two small windows will be shelves reaching to the side walls.
Behind the interior wall to the left will be our little den/tv room. The window visible through that wall is bumped out 18 inches or so and will have a window seat. My favorite thing in our house in New Mexico was my library with its window seat. Many hours were spent there reading, sketching, dreaming, playing with kitties, even cat-napping myself.

And this is the view from the upstairs landing down the U-shaped stairs. Of course, it won't be quite so dramatic when you can't see through the walls below anymore.
Notice the white pipe in the walls? That's for the central vacuum. I'm SOOOOO happy.
Notice the larger pictures this time? That's to make my hubby happy. I think he and I are both getting old eyes, and he wants to be fully able to appreciate all the photos of himself that end up here.
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