My dogs look so happy. They love going up to our new house, and I really think they know it's theirs. Scottie and I were at the house on Sunday cleaning up the inside (a VERY dusty job). We kept the doors closed and the dogs inside so they couldn't run around the neighborhood. After checking out everything, they decided to set themselves up on the little balcony off the master bedroom and survey their domain.
I think the bags on the front porch are the stuff that will be used for the stucco, but I have to confess I'm not sure. It could also have something to do with the drywall. . . .

This huge stack of drywall is in the living/dining room, and appears to be slated to go on the downstairs walls. You can also see all the insulation in walls and ceiling. I'm pleased that whichever sub put in the insulation took the time not only to put the bats in place, but they also put spray foam insulation around every single hole trough walls, ceilings. etc. When we were there cleaning with one of us upstairs and one down the noise between floors was very minimal.

This stack of drywall is in one upstairs room, and there is an equally large stack in the master bedroom. We weren't around when all this was delivered, and I can't figure out how it was unloaded. Given the yellow hazard tape left on site I'm guessing they used a similar system to what was used to move the shingles. The stacks are so perfectly aligned that I don't think the pieces were brought in one or two at a time.
Doesn't matter - just my ongoing curiosity.
OK, just for fun:
This is one of my favorite photos of Cocoa and Buck. I took it last year, just about now, as we were getting ready to move from New Mexico here. I got into a whole black and white thing with my digital camera for a bit, and I took several shots of the puppers. I especially love how this one catches personality.
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