Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ahhh, LIFE. I'm trying to stay in a place of just trusting that all is well whether it seems that way or not. First, we got an indication that our preferred builder is having difficulties of his own, not meeting deadlines, etc., and decided we might be well off to at least get a bid from someone else. Fine, we're doing that. Then, our original guy emailed his bid - yes emailed - which was about $40,000 above where we'd said we wanted - basically told us he couldn't get it down, prices were going up and we needed to look for someone who could start right away. So, we're thinking that's no big deal 'cuz we've started talking to someone else. Yeah. Their preliminary number came back $125,000 above his!!! So, we meet with them again Monday & start talking about how to get the numbers down. Meanwhile we are checking out other alternatives. Shit.
The challenge becomes what to cut and still have a home we'll be happy with; what not to cut 'cuz we'll regret it forever; how much can we do ourselves; and on and on and on. But, Scottie and I have come through much more difficult circumstances together. We'll come through this too. No doubt.
Today is Scottie's mother's birthday. She's been dead, what is it, 4 or 5 years now. Scottie called his dad, who usually gets quite down on this date, only to find him very chipper, seeming not to realize the date. There's something to be said for memory loss!
So, we keep on keepin' on.

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