Saturday, May 16, 2009

The view from my tub

OK, could we have a little drum roll, please? . . . ta, da, da, da, da, ta, dooop, de DAH!

My orchid is acting rather like the energizer bunny! There are eleven open blossoms, about 3 more ready to open and a ton of buds left. It hangs out over my claw foot tub and I gaze up as I soak pains away. You can just see one crystal from the chandelier above the orchid in this photo.

I can usually keep these guys alive and get 2 or 3 blooms, but this year, this one just took off! I can only say it must love the exposure in this window - mostly south, angled just a tad (that being a technical term) east.

Leads me to think I need a list of all the technical terms I've come to use over the decades along with semi-definitions. You know, things like "smidgen", "doo-dad", "dealy-bob", etc. I'll work on that.

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