Saturday, May 31, 2008

Peaceable Kingdom

Since I haven't provided pictures of the babies recently, here we go in order of age:

Lucy, aka Lucy Lou Fat Cat, age 12, came to us as a kitten from a cat rescue, and has a reputation of being a bit of a brat:

Cocoa, aka Cocoa Puff, age 5, adopted from a rescue group in New Mexico at about 6 months of age, tends to be high strung and funny:

Ellie, aka Ellie Bellie Boo Ba and Ellsworth, age 4, adopted us in New Mexico, showing up as a stray and refusing to leave. The quiet one.

And, finally, Buck, aka Baby Buck or The Buckeroo, age 3, adopted from a New Mexico rescue group at about age 9 months. He's the big boy and the lover.

Aren't they sweet? It helps that they are all asleep - no throwing up hair balls, no going beserk over coyotes - just quiet, peaceful critters.

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