Add one car, the Scion, with fold-down seats in the back to accommodate the bike, the tools he wants to take, and all his various other gear.
Let the absent minded husband leave the car door open as he's loading a month's worth of crap - oh, make that gear - for a week's visit, and what do you have?
Well, at our house you have Cocoa deciding she really, no REALLY, needs to go along.

Picture the grown man trying to coax the dog out of the car, trying to get the wife to be the bad guy and drag Cocoa out of the car, finally giving in, calling his father for permission and taking the girl-dog along.
A good time was had by all.
Scottie had lots of family time including a cook out for which he did the tri-tip. He managed two eagle trips with Dr. Hannan, and a bike ride with the big boys - not sure what they are, maybe semi-pro - and a meal at his favorite Mexican dive.

Cocoa also had a great time. She even got to hang out in the den and watch TV with Grandpa Hughie.
Foxie, our grandpup, came over for the cookout, and the two girls had a chance for play time.
Cousin Bruce and his dad, Uncle Dougie (brother to Grandpa Hughie) made the party.

As did Susie, Scottie's sister, and Bobby. . . now what do we call him. . . . I'm thinkin' the son-out-law. Can't be an in-law yet; still he's pretty much family. Yep, son-out-law it is.

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