It's wildflower season, and the California Poppies are having their best year in decades. Our friend, Dick Burns, who is 90'ish, worked as a Naturalist in Sequoia National Park for years and years, and has been here over 50 years tells us he's never seen the poppies blooming like this year. That should be a harbinger of great blooms from other wildflowers to follow.
And, the river is running!
We've already gotten a mailer from the guy who is the local river guide extolling how great it's supposed be this year. So, if you want an exciting ride - including Class V rapids - I'd say plan your trip for April, This is the start of the chute just below the Gateway.
Spring also means tons of birds! Constant
It also means my little fountain comes back into action. We've had pine siskins and goldfinches using this for both a water fountain and a shower, but every time I get out the camera for that close-up they skedaddle.
And, Spring means visitors.
We've been graced by Bob the Mad Juggler, aka Corvette Bob. He and Scottie are out doing the back roads in the bright yellow 500 hp (you read that right) Corvette. If I need to gather bail money, some of you will receive phone calls.
And, house guests mean dinner parties, right? We had a hand-full of neighbors in to celebrate Bob's visit. Neighbors Yerko and Scott, to Scottie's right in the photo; Yerko's sister on the far left; Judy who lives across the road, and of course,
And, all good dogs must have baths and new neck scarves for Spring.
Spring for them seems to mean lazy days in the sun. Not a bad life these dogs of mine have!
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