Now, about those presents:
First, we have snow in the high country. This is Moro Rock taken from our balcony. Won't last, but it looks cool in the meantime.
Then, my Christmas gift from Scottie. We went to Bakersfield Saturday & had a bit of a rocky day. I didn't feel well; store wasn't where it was supposed to be; Scottie didn't want me to listen to Willie Nelson (well, I think it's good), but it ended well.
Scottie let me pick two little stained glass windows for my Christmas gift. I've always thought that "someday" I'd get a couple to go in the small windows on either side of the fireplace. Well, someday arrived!
The windows, being far from energy efficient, are installed to hang in the opening, but leaving the real windows in place behind.
Looks pretty pleased with himself doesn't he?
Of course putting the Christmas greenery back up in front of the windows takes something from it, but it will be way cool on an ongoing basis!
If you click on the photo below, you can see how it looks for now up close and personal.
Of course, this means there will be nothing in my Christmas stocking on Christmas day!
Unless YOU send me something that is. Want my list?
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