Tis the night before Christmas
and all through this place
there's no heat a flowin',
not even a trace.
The furnace has stopped, and
now it won't go.
The temp is a fallin'
though so far it's slow.
A party we've planned
for tomorrow afternoon,
but if the heat won't start up
folks will leave here real soon.
just who do you call?
The builder who's usually
no help at all?
And who was the sub
who put in the furnace?
Of that piece of info
we can't find a trace.
This story will start
again with the dawn.
We'll either have heat
or we'll soon be gone.
To be continued. . . .
Scottie got up of course
as the loudest and first.
Feeling cold air, I
suspected the worst.
Alas it was true,
no heat would there be,
and my heart filled with fear
I got up quite grumpy,
feeling cold and depressed
Yet I managed to pull on a robe,
not ready to get dressed.
While I lit up the oven
and mixed up the scones
Scottie got busy with a
job of his own.
He cut up some wood,
though damp it might be,
and built a nice fire
to warm up little me.
By the time we ripped open
the gifts we'd received
My heart had lightened;
I was feeling relieved.
It might be a bit cold here
but I suspect in the long run
it won't matter a bit.
We've found Christmas gladness,
I'd even say cheer, and
All I could wish is that
You all were here!
So, that's the way it has gone. We had a nice Christmas morning with fresh scones and a fire. Thanks to some low clouds we didn't get the really cold weather that can come with very clear weather. The fireplace kept the downstairs nicely warm. Check out Scottie - with part of the uniform for the racing team he's been invited
We had way, way too many deserts, but the folks who showed up really seemed to enjoy them. We'll have deserts to contribute to the upcoming New Year's Eve and New Year's Day parties.
The table looked really nice with all the Christmas trees. Friend Yvonne sent me a tree that she has had for years. It's really crazy how many things she and I have shared in common for all these years without even knowing it. Y also sent Scottie the bike horn and got a big laugh from both of us.
Our tree will get the decorations pulled off soon so we can plant it. Have to come up with a name though. . . .
Oh, we'll also need to get the heating contractor here!
Well I'm tired. It's 7:30, and I'm already in bed!