We got two loads of road base delivered and spread out in the parking area.
I'm thinking I'll make a little herb garden at the side of the house. We've even got road base in the area leading to the dog door so they don't bring in mud.
The parking area will be back by the propane tank. Some time, maybe next year, we'll put a carport back there. And, we've actually got room to back out and drive out forward - what a concept!
Just to the back of the oak trees, but not visible in the photo, are my steps so I can access the little area above. I managed to scrounge enough of the road base to put on those too.
This will turn more brown over time from the dirt getting on it from tire wheels, etc. Don't know if we'll have the polymer stuff that was used on the driveway put on this.
And why is it wet?
Since I have to tie them so they can't go roll in the dirt, we do the baths on the porch. Before the road base that meant more mud to deal with.
Aren't they gorgeous? Cocoa is so shiny and her muscles show up beautifully; and Buck actually shows his real white coloration. That ought to be good overnight, not much more.
We are doing a big break with tradition this year. Scottie and I are going to eat out for Thanksgiving - at a nice place, may even dress up a bit.
And, we're going to do an open house on Christmas day. Time to start building our own traditions in Three Rivers and this is a good way to start. We also have a couple of sets of good friends visiting soon. Michele and Dawn arrive on Friday, November 30 and leave early the following Monday, a quick visit. Then a couple of Scottie's guy buddies arrive for a couple of days. And we're hoping Sarah, Bobby, Justin and Grandpa Hughie (oh, and Foxy) may come up for Christmas.
Hope your Thanksgiving plans are as easy as ours!
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