Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mayhem, Murder, Magic - and the Power of Love!

It started as a tragic tale. No more horrible mayhem had been seen since the days of Jack the Ripper.

Andy of the Raggedy family was found decapitated. Pieces of his scalp were strewn about. Stuffing was everywhere.

The prognosis was NOT good.

With Andy's body propped up, our Magician gathered all his pieces, and all her courage, to see if she could do better than all the King's horses and all the King's men had done for Humpty Dumpty.

Closer examination revealed that Andy had some missing parts, specifically his nose and a couple of pieces of scalp. Not a good sign.

Andy's parts were carefully arranged, and our Magician gathered some special pieces of magic, fusible tape, an old handkerchief and iron-on patches. Could Andy be repaired into at least a semblance of his former self?

Anne waited in the wings, her winsome smile never wavering. She knew a secret that none of the rest of us could fathom.

With Andy's head reassembled, a new nose drawn on, his blond hair re-glued and an almost round shape accomplished, the Magician opened Andy's clothing to determine just how to re-attach his head. There, hidden from view, and apparently drawn in by Andy's original Creator, was a simple red heart with the words "I love you" written inside.

With renewed confidence the Magician set about the final part of Andy's surgery. Sure enough, he was soon able to sit upright. Anne was obviously pleased to see her beloved brother!

So, our story has a happy ending. Anne and Andy now retire to a version of a retirement home especially for members of families like the Raggedy's - our storage room. Some day they may have their own condo in the form of a shadow box from which they can watch life pass by in safety. For now, a little time to recuperate is in order, along with protection from those unknown monsters - well it could have been either one - who attacked Andy to begin with!

All's well. Andy's scars will only add a Rhett Butler sort of charm to his good looks.

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