I've had the worst week health-wise in some time. After managing to throw myself in to a major fibromyalgia flare, I kept spiraling down until I reached then blew right through a tipping point. That left me with a day of tears, pain so bad I thought I'd vomit, swelling, etc., etc., etc.
And, yes, I do know better.
So, no updates all week, and not much of anything else.
We did manage to hang some art the past couple of days. That always makes a place feel more "mine". So, here's the tour:

This piece is one of mine. It's hanging above the little telephone table (actually a built in cabinet, but made to look like a telephone table) by the kitchen door. This painting won a minor award at a San Diego show, and it's one of Scott's favorites.

This is in the den/Scottie's temporary office. The large photo above his desk is a blow up of a photo he took while in the service, during his paratrooper training. It was later used for an ad for his old business, Pt. Loma Bag Co., and I think it won some sort of award for the advertising guru who did it.

These bird photos were a junk shop discovery. I don't think they are hand colored, but they are quite old; and I got them at a real bargain as a gift for Scottie several years ago. They fit perfectly above the opening between kitchen and dining room.

OK, ignore the mess. This is in my studio. The painting above the day bed is what the kids and Scottie got me for my birthday this year. The frame was white, which caused the picture to be washed out. I did a quick, down and dirty paint job on it knowing that I'll eventually reframe. The clock on the wall to the left was one of the group we made a few years ago in New Mexico as Christmas gifts. It's great red rock with lichen on it. On the old sewing machine is a tray we made another year. I got a bunch of used horse shoes from a rancher. Scottie cleaned them up, attached them to wooden trays he made and I word-burned the "Casa Pacifica" logo on them.

Above our bed is a painting I did of three pears in which I used crumpled rice paper on top of the water color paper (just w/i the outline of the pears), then painted over. Had to call it "A Pear to Paint To" - get it??? Anyway, Scottie liked this one.

On the stairway landing is one of my favorites by Mona Segal, an artist who was in some classes that I also took. Mona is a fabulous artist! If you notice anything missing, like the raggedy Anne and Andy dolls, blame Buck. Well, I'm blaming him, though it could have been Cocoa. Someone decapitated Andy, and I have to repair him. Not nice. Usually it's Buck who does that sort of thing, though if Cocoa thought it might be a squeaky toy, she would move heaven and earth to find and "kill" the squeaker. Anyway, they've been put away. After I fix Andy I'll put them where the dogs can't reach.

These are two photos that Scottie took and that I really like. To the right of these is a sketch of my father done by a buddy of his while they were under fire at Anzio Beach in WWII. A steady enough hand in that circumstance to draw and a calm enough brain to capture a darned good likeness - amazing! The chair used to be in our bedroom in San Diego covered in a denim fabric that had seen better days and was called "Mousse's chair" 'cuz our old dog loved to sleep in it. We had it recovered while living in New Mexico. Memories. . . .

And THIS is my favorite piece of current art. I call it "Footprints on Tabletop". It's by Ellie Cat, using easily available dust. I guess we'd have to call it a performance piece as it's being constantly destroyed by a less than appreciative audience and just as constantly recreated by the artist.