Since I'm the one home alone much of the time with Scottie working up in the Park the little darlin's have become accustomed to me and unless I'm moving abruptly will let me quite close to them.
This is a white crowned sparrow that ducked his/her little head just as I clicked causing me to miss the white crown! He had been picking up spilled niger from beneath the finch sock before hopping down the hill to hid in the tall grass.
And, I've wanted all season to get a hummingbird in flight. This photo isn't very good 'cuz my camera isn't really good enough for this kind of shot. Still, I did capture one in flight.
The acorn woodpeckers come to the little hanging bird bath for a drink. Because they are much larger than this was designed for they often cause most of the water to spill out over the edge as they hang onto the side using their tail for balance.
And, the finches? What can I say? So long as we continue to put out niger they continue to eat it. And eat, and eat, and eat. I can fill this little sock more than once a day if I'm willing to spend that much and they'll go through it all. The sock is less than a foot long, and the maximum I've counted on it at one time is eight. When the sock is out of room, the complaining and jockeying for position starts anew.
The routine is eat your fill, fly to the fountain for a quick drink, and return to fight for position on the sock.
That's how I spend my hours in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Not a bad way to live is it?