OK, yesterday I started out determined to have a great day. As many of you know, I've been dealing with some difficult health issues the past few years that have taken me out of my old athletic pursuits, changed my image of myself, etc. So, Scottie, aka The Man, talked me into getting a bike. Great idea. I have a mountain bike, not 'cuz I plan any real mountain biking, but because it will make it easier to ride the gravel roads around here. Yesterday AM, I set out for a small ride. It went great. Then I went to the little local plant nursery, had a great conversation with the owner, bought a few plants, made arrangements for him to come give some advice on our plantings, still great. Then I went to the market.
See, I had this plan to give
Scottie a great day. He had worked really, really hard out in the heat on Thursday, working on the water system where we used to live. Then he was working up at the Park yesterday, and I could tell he was tired before he ever left for work. So, the big plan was to fix his kind of meal for dinner, as opposed to my kind of meal, have it all set up and ready to go; draw him a tub of water with the special muscle relaxing salts in it, and let him soak while I got dinner ready. Wrong.
At the market I got some sweet corn and potatoes and onions, planning to do all that on the grill along with a big steak for him. As a life-long veggie, I don't know steak from pork chops, so at the market I tried to ask for some help from the butcher. I said (in my happy, having a great day, on a mission voice) "Hi, I'm a vegetarian and I could use some help picking a good steak for my husband." He said "I don't care if your a vegetarian, pick your own steak." Let's just say it wasn't a happy, playful voice. So, being sure he couldn't have meant to be that rude, I said "Did you hear the end of my sentence? I would like some help picking a steak." He said, "I heard you, pick your own steak." Stood there (big guy) looking hateful and angry. I started to say OK, then just couldn't, felt myself tearing up and walked away.
So, the owner of the store (relatively new owner, nice 30-something female who I have heard is from Russia), comes up to me, tells me she has heard what he said and is so sorry, etc. I burst into tears. Now, those who know me know that I'm not the burst-into-tears type. There's something about very sincere empathy delivered right at the moment of a hurt that just did me in. So, I'm blubbering "I just wanted a nice steak for my husband," she's repeatedly apologizing, telling me he's done this with other customers, etc. Lovely scene. Long story short, I couldn't quit crying. The store owner finally went and selected a t-bone (I still don't know if that's a good steak) and told me it was at no charge. I got the rest of my stuff, tried to control my sniffles and made my way to the check-out. I thought I was almost under control, just a few stray tears left, when I got tapped on the shoulder and turned to see the big old butcher who said "I just want to apologize for being such a jerk." So, I burst into tears again. He ran for the bushes; I finished checking out, forgot the bread on the list, and made my way home still sniffling.
So, a few deep breaths, a diet coke, a fortuitous phone call from my daughter (thanks for understanding, Muf) and I was on my way to making still a great day for Scottie. Wrong.
One of my great relaxers is working in the garden, so I busted my butt preparing the bed for my new plants, and got them planted despite repeated dive-bombing by hummers. So,
that part of the day went well:

We now have salvia, mallow, sage, thyme, and a few other goodies in a little bed around the hummer feeders.
The salvia has bright red blooms that the little darlings have already found.
This sits behind the small stone wall built by Bob Kellog and just at the top of the stone steps that I built.
Like it.

Meanwhile, I need to get cleaned up and on with the dinner plans. I got the steak ready with some spice rub, sliced up potatoes and onions with butter in foil to do on the grill, cleaned the corn and wrapped it with butter to do on the grill, and was just sweeping the kitchen when Scottie got home. End of plan.
Scottie didn't want a relaxing soak in the tub. He didn't want to clean up period. He wanted to sit and relax. OK, fine. Then he pulled the charcoal grill onto the front porch (one of my pet peeves - gives me a hills of Tennessee feeling) and started it. I wasn't going to get to cook the meal, etc., and give him some time and space to relax. So, I tried to put on a cheerful face, tell him my market story in a funny way and just go with the flow. Well, he was exhausted (me too), nothing was funny, nothing was working.
He did finally go upstairs to shower and left the charcoal grilling to me. A mess. Scottie had the grill set up to cook
his way, meaning a few coals and a hot fire with the lid off. I tried to do it my way, meaning I needed more coals, opened both the bottom and top vents but failed to realize the bottom was clogged with spent coals from prior use. So, the potatoes didn't get cooked through, the corn was cold, and I have no idea how the steak was. Scottie doesn't like to eat in the dining room (my original plan) unless there is company. So I set up the little kitchen table, threw the potatoes and the corn in the micro for some last minute finishing off. And, we did eat. Then we both stuffed on the remains of peach cobbler and icecream.
This morning, Scottie is still exhausted, grumpy, etc. So, I suggested he have a bike ride, then we'll go into town. He sets out - and comes home very shortly with a flat. Now he's really grumpy. I'm thinking it's time to just life sort itself out and quit trying to direct it!
Since I don't like to end on a down note, let's have a couple of plant photos for fun:

The fiddle-leaf fig is so happy in its new spot just by the French doors that it may have to get it's top whacked off soon to prevent going through the ceiling! I planted a couple of things at the bottom just to keep if from looking top heavy.
And, we have the Spathiphyllum, a variegated one, that lives on the landing of the stairs. This is a great house plant! They thrive in very low light conditions, so you can put them in places most plants won't do well, and they like very moist soil, so it's hard to kill them from over-watering. We like that in a plant.

Ever notice how the more living things you surround yourself with, be that humans, pets, house plants, garden, you name it, the more it costs you in terms of money, time, effort.
BUT, and here's the important part, the more you get back.
That difficult husband who wasn't in a frame of mind to appreciate or even want the special dinner I planned - he's a great guy who goes out of his way to make my life easier.
That little flower bed that gave me the achy, achy back last night is already making the hummers happy.
This dwells-in-the-near-dark plant gives me pleasure every time I go up or down stairs.
And, you all know how I feel about our furry-faced family members.
Even the grumpy butcher apologized, and Scottie got a free T-bone. So, someone tell me if that's a good steak.