Sunday, December 31, 2006

FRAMED - really

Well, George got trough to the framers and things took on a new urgency. There were 7 guys up at the site working, even worked Saturday, and other than a couple of small things, we are framed in. Yeah!!

As ever, Scottie had to pose for a photo. Back up there today, I forgot to take another picture, but the whole roof is under cover. Hopefully shingles will go on next week.

Meanwhile, we've had Amanda, Scott's oldest daughter, with kids Declan and Halle visiting from San Francisco. We planted "their" tree - an incense cedar we've named Adeh - pronounced A-da - in honor of the three of them. The kids should be able to watch Adeh's progress for years to come.

And, we managed to get a photo of Gumpy and crew in front of what will be the front door to the house. Amanda and kids brought along Daisy, their Chihauhau, so we've had 5 people and 5 animals in the tiny little cabin for several days. No murders resulted and everyone is still speaking, so I'd say it went well! I do think friends and family will be glad when our home is done. Visiting in the cabin is challenging.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Rain =s slow building

Well, we didn't get as far this week as either George or I had hoped we would. Rain and a muddy site lead to delays.

The second floor is on and the front porch is built. This is to provide a platform for the guys to set the trusses manually since the driveway is too muddy to allow the crane to be used.

The head guy from the framing sub was on the site Wednesday, looking none too happy. This weather and the delays can't be making them any money. And with Christmas almost here, there will be a long weekend and even more delay.

The steps are half in - up the landing -

and Scott tried out the view from there.

So, a chance to vote (with no guarantee that we'll pay any attention to the voting results), and an opportunity to try out your eyesight.

First: Name for our place. Choice (a) Rocosa Vista, being Espanol for Rocky View in honor of the fact that we see rocky peaks every where we look. But, there are a lot of things named "Vista" or "View". Choice (b) Sheltering Oaks, for the big oak trees on our lot.

Then, check out the wildlife:
Did you see them??? The grey blobs between the straw and rocks are quail eating the grass seed we threw out. Oh - how about Quail Qwossing for a name. Nah. . . .

Monday, December 18, 2006

Framing speeds up!

We have a new crew on the job (from the same sub) and they are really moving. Much of the second story was put on today. Stairs will go in tomorrow & possibly even setting of the trusses may take place tomorrow. Wow.

Someone climbed up to the second story (no stairs in yet) and helped someone else up there. Want to guess who was who? Yep. Then he had to pose for yet another portrait.

I got the giggles when he decided to take my picture. You'll note there are always very few pictures of yours truly. First of all, the man is much more photogenic, and I am the official photog. But we did get this one.

And, I got to come down a ladder while Scottie had to pull it back up, then climb down:

Who would guess he's 68?

We are having simply too much fun! I'm still baby-sitting 4 dogs and 2 cats for a friend. We're trying to get ready to go to San Diego for Christmas, wrap gifts, etc., but I feel compelled to go up to the site nearly every day.


Sunday, December 17, 2006


Snow in the Sierra Foothills got down to about 1500' elevation last night, which is just about where our lot sits. We have just a dusting of snow at the site & gorgeous views in all directions.
You can see Moro Rock in the background in the first photo, which is our view to the North/northeast. Scottie is in the photo looking East, with Eagles' Nest in the background.

At the lot, you can see a small accumulation of snow on the lumber sticking out the window. Cool, huh?

And finally, our view to the South, over the tops of houses and looking essentially down-river:

Love it! I just love our lot and the views!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A slow week of framing


This week did not go as I had hoped. We had rain early in the week, then the framers blew a generator. Since their boss was out of town, they didn't want to take the initiative to get another. That didn't happen until Friday. Consequently nothing happened Monday, the generator went out Tuesday making it a short day. Wednesday and Thursday nothing happened, and finally just yesterday they got a new generator and about a half day's work!

We have rain due today, so I wish more had been done. But, as you can see, the floor between down and upstairs is in. We are assured that they'll be there and hard at work Monday. This crew is really fast. The other house in the neighborhood that they are working on is ready for shingles already. So, I'm hoping we'll be in that position by end of next week.

Meanwhile we decided to give up on the soapstone counters I've been so determined to have for the kitchen. It is done so seldom on the West Coast that suppliers are few and far between and fabricators have little experience. So, we are going with granite. We selected that this week as well as the hardwood for floors. The more we can have ready to go, the better.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A quick update

Framing is started and moving along though slowed by rain. This is Scottie in what will become our front door.

And, yours truly in the spot where our French doors will open to the patio.

It's moving along. First floor is essentially rough framed and the second floor is starting. By this time next week, it should be under roof!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

More concrete, lumber and the start of framing

This week has not moved as quickly as I expected. I had thought we were done with concrete for now (somehow thinking the porches would be poured at the end). So, the week began not with lumber but with the pouring or porches. I happened to go up to the lot when the concrete guys were there and got to get a few photos of them working on the porches. My attempts at communication were pretty poor as all the guys working spoke only Espanol, and my knowledge is puquito, muy puquito. I think I did manage to communicate that they were doing a nice job. Bueno, muy bueno. At least I hope they got the message. When Scottie and I went up later the same day he scratched out initials into the back porch. Is this husband of mine becoming a romantic in his old age?? Anyway, I love it.
All of the plants seem to be alive. We've spread grass seed on the banks and put straw on them. And, now we have lumber delivered.
We were none too thrilled with how the lumber seemed to have just been dumped off the back of a truck. I suspect the driver was unprepared for how steep the driveway is and his load got away from him. But, since the framing is started (just barely), and the framers put a ladder under the one place the plywood seemed to be dug into the dirt, we are hoping it will be OK. Were it not for rain predicted tonight and tomorrow, I wouldn't worry.
They've only just begun, with a couple of walls framed and ready to be stood up Monday. Given how quickly our friend LuAnn's house, very near us and under construction by the same builder, was framed up, I expect this part of the process to go quickly.
George arrives back from his Las Vegas trip this weekend, hopefully having won money, and will undoubtedly be at the site Monday. We'll be up there too, with dogs to walk and camera in hand. Stay tuned for updates!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Pad is in!

This week involved getting the septic tank put in, the finishing of the part of the plumbing that goes under the pad, and the pouring of the concrete pad.
It's been a nice, calm week. No major problems. No failures of any kind. Just building proceeding as it should.
I'm quite impressed with our general contractor, George Stewart. Without telling George's age, let's say he's been doing this for literally decades. George has a group of subcontractors he has worked with over and over. They show up; they perform; they do a good job. A neighbor who moved into her home in the same neighborhood took over a year to build a relatively small house. Her builder did things like not have anyone lined up to put in the stone fireplace. A few days before they were to install the fireplace, he decided to look for someone! She ended up finding a person to do the job herself. By contrast, George is there checking on things as they progress, making sure the next sub is lined up and ready to go. Lumber gets delivered the first of next week, and George has the framers set to begin the next day. No delays. I like that!
Scottie and I went up this afternoon and planted a few things. (Rumor in the form of my husband has it that "no dirt shall be left unturned" when I'm around.) At this point, I'm just going for bank stabilization and a little bit of privacy planting. Nothing can be done up close to the house of course. This is Scottie watering a Big Leaf Maple planted on the down side of the house. The green house in the background is the one that took over a year to build.
Now that the pad is in you can get a sense of what the real view will be. We actually have a decent view of Moro Rock. Really, there are no bad views in any direction. To the west we see houses, but not so close as to be bothersome, and over the top of them is yet another nice view.
So, we progress. This is not a large house, and I'm hoping framing will move along quickly. Even so, I'd say at least two weeks to frame. It will be interesting to see where we are by Christmas. Would be fun to put the traditional tree that is usually put up on commercial buildings on the top of our little house. Maybe. . . .